What is going on with regards to finding the Forum?

I actually found that the Forum is still here after going to the Blog and scrolling down. It was not available on the new website. And asking about them via the support email and pointing out that I’m one of many not happy with Slack.

Gregg Doctor Who8

Hey Greg, we’ve retired it, because it’s terrible and we’re moving folks to StackOverflow for forum-style questions.

Huh. Bad idea. Last I checked a lot of people are still not happy with that mechanism. Lets keep the Forum running for a while longer.

In that case, what about our sub-reddit? https://www.reddit.com/r/WildernessLabs/

I’m a lot late, but that’s one option I am not unhappy with. But I am more interested in browsing my way though a forum. Or even a Google Groups list, or a list on Groups.IO. Oh and the respond to name is the same one shown there.