Running into codesign failure on MacOS

When running the dotnet tool install WildernessLabs.Meadow.CLI --global command, I’m getting

> Unhandled exception: Microsoft.NET.HostModel.AppHost.AppHostSigningException: /Users/victorli/.dotnet/tools/meadow: code object is not signed at all
> In architecture: x86_64

How do I proceed? Thanx.

Hi @lytz What version of Meadow and version of MacOS are you using?

Big Sur 11.3.1
I didn’t get to the step of downloading MeadowOS yet as I’m stuck on installing the Cli

Following this guide Getting Started w/ Meadow by Controlling the Onboard RGB LED -

I’m running Big Sur 11.6.5 am not seeing this issue.

Could you please run

dotnet --version

And let me know which version of dotnet you have

Could you also confirm which type of Mac hardware you are running this on, to see if someone in the office has something similar?

6.0.300 is my dotnet version

MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2018)

I’ll be honest and say we’ve not had anyone hit a signing issue.

It definitely shouldn’t be needed, but could you please try

sudo dotnet tool install WildernessLabs.Meadow.CLI --global

It worked XD. Thanx!

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