Please provide access to download N1 Plus firmware

I have been trying to upgrade my N1 Plus to the latest NetMF (4.3?), but cannot get MFDeploy or NetDuino Deploy to connect.

Apparently it’s due to the N1 Plus using a different chip (Atmel?).

Anyway, that’s what I think, based on reading some old post (referenced below).

That same post has the details for the latest firmware, but due to the age of the site, and the fact I cannot remember my old username and password, I can’t access it.

It’s a post by Chris Walker. Dunno if he’s still around???

If someone could please help me out, that would make me a happy camper. Well, until my new Dev kit arrives from Mouser and I guess I’ll get a slew of different pro… umm challenges.


Checkout the download links at the end of the Netduino Download and let me know if this gives you what you need.
