Netduino 3 Wifi wireless settings locked


I got my Netduino 3 Wifi today, and have been trying to get it set up. While everything was working well, I hit a problem when I tried connecting to the WiFi; all the settings related to it were blocked.

I have since tried every suggestion from this thread: How to connect the netduino3 to the wifi? but this hasn’t resolved my issue unfortunately.

I’ve updated the WinUSB driver with zadig,
Tried updating the firmware via Netduino.Deploy
Made sure the “WiFi” variant was selected as model

Has anyone had similar issues? I’m hoping I’m just missing something simple but I can’t seem to figure this out.

Forgot to add;

If there’s a way to connect to a WiFi spot via deployed application code I’d be satisfied as well, but I can’t seem to figure out if that option is available.

I tried again on a different laptop – installed all the software and drivers in order to make sure I didn’t miss anything – but this one seems to have the same problem. This does give me the impression it’s something in my board I need to adjust.

I’ve also tried MFDeploy, but unfortunately this doesn’t help either.

Does anyone have any idea what I might have missed?

Another update–

The issue is resolved. For anyone arriving at this page from Google, I am sorry to say I don’t know why.

While I had done absolutely nothing in my Netduino, connecting with MFDeploy again suddenly showed the options as unlocked. I haven’t done anything or changed anything to either my PC or the board, yet something seems to have happened and now it’s working perfectly. Excellent for me, not so great for actually understanding the issue.

So, in short, problem solved but I don’t know why.

I have had a similar problem.

I have had the setting not overwrite as I expected, but they should as having been over written in MFDeploy. Netduino Deploy would just crash. I moved to a different router on different network and things worked. Went back to the first network and all was well.