Using the templated project that pulses the light with 3 colours, I’d expect it to pulse forever, since there’s no end condition in the loop. However, my device stops changing the colour, even stops pulsing and keeps a solid colour after a while. I changed the “pulsing” message to include a timestamp since the device restarted, and I noticed that the last message is always 13 minutes and 27 seconds, so it stops somewhere between then an 13 minutes and 30 seconds.
My device doesn’t have anything else attached, it doesn’t even have any headers or pins soldered. Just the USB cable to my computer. I updated to the latest firmware, but it’s still happening. Is there a better place to report bugs?
@zivkan, I experience the same problem with the template program (and other programs as well).
It just stops after some time. I have this problem with the previous ( 0.3.7) and the current firmware 0.3.8 and I know its still all beta stuff ; and I love this Meadow C# concept; but I want to find out why this is happening and ensure that my development boards (hardware) is OK or not.
I just tried my 2nd DevBoard and it has the same problem.
I did read that maybe StartPulse is a problem / so I changed the call to StartBlink; but not success. Also a resets and renew of the file system ( .\Meadow.CLI.exe --RenewFileSys -s COM3) did not solve it.
@Nevyn, is there a way to gather some extra diagnostic data ?
I would love to know if some kind of exception occurs / or memory becomes full, or something else. Without good diagnostics it is pretty difficult to find out the problem (and make a good bug-report ; or work around the problem…).
I just want to find out/proof if I have a more serious hardware problem ….or just because the software is still in beta (which is no problem for me / just need to be patient
If there is anything I can do to gather diagnostic data then let me know.
Thanks for the great support Nevyn.
is there a way to gather some extra diagnostic data ?
I would love to know if some kind of exception occurs / or memory becomes full, or something else. Without good diagnostics it is pretty difficult to find out the problem
I think this will be fixed in the next release of the software. We are preparing beta 3.9 at the moment.
Looking at the GitHub issues, I got the idea to try a program that did a lot of Console.WriteLine, and it would freeze the device within seconds. I hoped that removing the Console.WriteLine from the hello world app would let it run forever, but unfortunately it still froze after some time. I wasn’t patient enough to watch it to see how long it took, so maybe it lasted longer than the 13.5 minutes originally.
Anyway, I’m looking forward to new versions, and I’m now watching the issues repo.
After getting an email this morning saying that the 4.0 beta was released, I tried it and the “hello world” new project template now runs for longer than 15 minutes. My device is now usable… It’s been running and outputting to Visual Studio’s debug output window for two and a half hours now. Thank you!