Hi all,
I have a Netduino Plus (1), which I use for home automation. Every now and again it crashes and is the unrecoverable without being reset. The old post (http://forums.netduino.com/index.php?/topic/6968-hardware-watchdog-on-netduino-plus/page-2) looks like the solution I need. However, the forum is closed, so one cannot download the binaries and the source code can’t be compiled since RVDS 4.1 is deprecated and you can’t get a license for it anymore.
I am desperate to find a copy of the binaries that were hosted on the old site @ http://forums.netduino.com/index.php?app=core&module=attach§ion=attach&attach_id=2692
Is there anyone who has these files or knows where I can find them?