I am a newbie and I need help to complete my Voltage and Temperature Reader using netduino, thermistor and PV cell

I am doing a small project to read two analog data inputs and display their values on a LCD system. When I did them separately it worked well but I am confused as to how to combine the two codes so that the LCD will display the Temperature on Line 1 while the Voltage on Line 2. The codes I did are as follows. Please add comments when editing my comment since I really need to understand what I am doing as well as what each line of code executes in my program…
The codes are;

using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.SPOT;
using Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware;
using SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware;
using SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware.NetduinoPlus;
//using LCD;

namespace Voltage_Temperature_Reader
public class Program
public static void Main()
//Voltagemeter Codes to read and display voltage
Ulcd.Initialise(); //initialise the LCD
AnalogInput vin = new AnalogInput(Pins.GPIO_PIN_A0); //Analog input connect to A0
vin.SetRange(0, 1023); //Set Ananlog Digital Convertor range to go from 0 to 1023
double digit = 0.0; //This is the AD convertor output value

        int fraction = 0;
        int wholevalue = 0;
        int integervalue = 0;
        double volt = 0.0;

        while (true)
            digit = vin.Read();  //read the ADC output
            volt = (float)(0.06517 * digit * 100);  //Relationship between ADC value and physicall signal being measured
            wholevalue = (int)(System.Math.Round(volt));  //remove extra digits want only up to 4 digits
            fraction = (wholevalue % 100);  //pull out the fraction part of the value
            integervalue = wholevalue / 100;  //pull out the integer part of the value

            Ulcd.ShowText(1, "VOLTAGE: = " + integervalue.ToString() + "." + fraction.ToString() + "V");  //send value to LCD for display

            Debug.Print("VOLTAGE: = " + integervalue.ToString() + "." + fraction.ToString() + "V");

        //Thermistor Codes  to read and display temprature
        AnalogInput pot = new AnalogInput(Pins.GPIO_PIN_A0);  //connect input to pin #0 of NetDuino
        pot.SetRange(0, 1023);  //We want NetDuino values to vary between 0 qnd 1023...there is a 10bits ADC in the NetDuino.
        int potvalue = 0;  //store input values as potvalue

        while (true)
            potvalue = pot.Read();      //read the analog inputs from the thermistor
            double tempt = 127 * (System.Math.Pow(System.Math.E, -0.002 * potvalue));   //calculate temperature
            int myval = (int)tempt;       //convert temperature from double to int
            string val = myval.ToString();     //convert temperature from int to string for display
            //Debug.Print("NetDuino Value is: " + potvalue);    //display NetDuino value
            Debug.Print("Temperature = " + val + "oC");   //display calculated temperature



Thanks so much.

It looks like you have the following:

Initialisation code for LCD and ADC
while (true)
     Read sensor and update LCD
Initialise second sensor
while (true)
     Read second sensor and update display

You application will never get to the code below the first while loop. You need to modify your application as follows:

Initialisation code for LCD and ADC
Initialise second sensor
while (true)
     Read sensor
     Read second sensor
     Update display


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Hi Nevyn,

He should have got a message like “unreachable code detected” from VS Studio during typing. Isn’t it?