I am having an issue with receiving socket connection on my Netduino 3 Ethernet; “Connection Refused”. My code has been used in the past successfully on a Netduino 2 Plus but does not work on this newer board. Currently my code is blocking at the listening socket Accept call; waiting for a connection. I have my board configured for a static IP and the code is the following for accepting a socket connection. Any help would be appreciated.
_listeningSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
IPEndPoint ipEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, this.Port);
while (true)
_sessionSocket = _listeningSocket.Accept();
if (_sessionSocket != null)
if (_sessionSocket.Poll(-1, SelectMode.SelectRead))
objWebSession = new WebSession(_sessionSocket, this);
Debug.Print("Web Session Created");
DebugInfo.PrintDebugInfo("Web Session Created");
foreach (WebSession objWebSessionItem in WebSessions)
if (objWebSessionItem != null)
if (objWebSessionItem._Completed == true)
Debug.Print("Remove Web Session");
catch( Exception ex )
Debug.Print("Web Server Exception Error" + ex.Message);
DebugInfo.PrintDebugInfo("Web Server Exception Error" + ex.Message);