I posted a topic back in November last year on here, explaining I get an error in VS 2019 pro. when attempting to deploy to my F7v2 meadow.
The error is as follows:
Expected 1 export(s) with contract name “Clide.IServiceLocatorProvider” but found 0 after applying applicable constraints.
I’ve since contacted you several times, and this is my second forum post, but as of yet I have had no reply or help!?
May I also add that sometimes the deploy takes ages, like a few minutes, after which there is no guarantee the app. will run, or VS may crash.
This is not good.
Can I PLEASE have some help?
Or at least give me my money back,= because thus far I’ve not been able to do anything with this board except flash an LED once when I first got it.
NOTE: I’ve updated VS to latest version and also run a repair. No luck.
So sorry we haven’t been got back to you for support in a while. Couple of quick questions: which beta version were you able to run an application successfully?
I also just released a detailed blog post to how to update a Meadow board to our latest release that went live this week. Please give that a try following along and do message again for some help if you hit any blockers.
The solution seems to be included in the latest version of Visual Studio. Debugging on b6.0.1 is rough around the edges, so we recommend deploying the app (right-click the Meadow App → Deploy) to work faster and try debugging only when necessary. I know its not a great solution, but we’re doing our best to improve the dev experience as we get closer to v1.0
We’re close to releasing an update to the VS Extension (version 0.19.0) later this week which makes debugging a lot more reliable.