Earlier this month Adafruit introduced this device, Adafruit ATtiny816 Breakout with seesaw - STEMMA QT / Qwiic basically it adds a series GPIO points to the I2C framework, and even includes a mount point for more I2C ones. My problem is that the examples on the linked Learn page are written in both Python which I can make work on a Raspberry Pi, and in Arduino Sketch for that platform. Originally the gang at Secret Labs confirmed that the original Netduino could do I2C, methods. Obviously then it was called something else because the Phillips Patent on the technology was still active. I believe it has since lapsed.
What I am looking for is a little help in working out how to properly grok the methods behind using C# to talk to the device on the bus and on either a Netduino 1 or even a Netduino 3. (The mini is not included in this request.)