My Netduino Plus 2 stopped being recognized by my PC


Im not sure whats changed, but today, I haven’t been able to make my computer recognize my Netduino Plus 2.

I followed the getting started guide, ran all the SDK tools again, I ran the Netduino Update tool as well, It did show up on my list, and when it was done updating, i got no errors, but I still cant find it on my Visual Studio 2015 project.

I go to Window’s device manager, it does show up as a Netduino Plus 2, but with a hazard icon next to it, and in the properties, it says “The drivers for this device are not installed. (Code 28)”.

Any Ideas? everything was working fine last week.



Well, I ended up fixing it myself. I uninstalled the Netduino SDK, rebooted my PC, Installed it back, and now it works.

Hope this might help to anyone who might experience this. :slight_smile:


Thank you, your solution helped me :slight_smile: