Meadow OS Flash Failure

So… there is hope! On a whim I decided to run meadow download os and I think that changed something. Because now the Meadow is coming up on COM4.

Running the meadow device info -s COM4 came back:

C:\>meadow device info -s COM4
Connecting to Meadow on COM4
Meadow StdInfo: Mono will not start. Version mismatch, Meadow.OS version, Mono version
Meadow StdInfo: ESP32 version not available. Meadow.OS version, Mono version
Meadow by Wilderness Labs, Model: F7Micro, MeadowOS Version: (Jun 19 2021 01:49:23), Processor: STM32F777IIK6, Processor Id: 38-00-41-00-0d-51-38-32-37-35-36-30, Serial Number: 307735793238, CoProcessor: ESP32, CoProcessor OS Version: Not available, Mono Version:, Device Name: MeadowF7

I am also getting new exceptions and errors when trying to flash the os:

C:\>meadow flash os -s COM4
Device in DFU Mode, flashing OS
Flashing OS with C:\Users\Trey\AppData\Local\WildernessLabs\Firmware\Meadow.OS.bin
dfu-util 0.10

Copyright 2005-2009 Weston Schmidt, Harald Welte and OpenMoko Inc.
Copyright 2010-2020 Tormod Volden and Stefan Schmidt
This program is Free Software and has ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
Please report bugs to

Match vendor ID from file: 0000
Match product ID from file: 0000
Opening DFU capable USB device...
ID 0483:df11
Run-time device DFU version 011a
Claiming USB DFU Interface...
Setting Alternate Setting #0 ...
Determining device status: state = dfuERROR, status = 10
dfuERROR, clearing status
Determining device status: state = dfuIDLE, status = 0
dfuIDLE, continuing
DFU mode device DFU version 011a
Device returned transfer size 2048
DfuSe interface name: "Internal Flash  "
Downloading element to address = 0x08000000, size = 2097152

Erase    done.

Download done.
File downloaded successfully
Transitioning to dfuMANIFEST state
Warning: Invalid DFU suffix signature
Device Flashed.
Connecting to Meadow on COM3
An error occurred while attempting to create Meadow
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file 'COM3'.
File name: 'COM3'
   at System.IO.Ports.SerialStream..ctor(String portName, Int32 baudRate, Parity parity, Int32 dataBits, StopBits stopBits, Int32 readTimeout, Int32 writeTimeout, Handshake handshake, Boolean dtrEnable, Boolean rtsEnable, Boolean discardNull, Byte parityReplace)
   at System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.Open()
   at Meadow.CLI.Core.Devices.MeadowSerialDevice.OpenSerialPort(String portName) in D:\a\1\s\Meadow.CLI.Core\Devices\MeadowSerialDevice.cs:line 127
   at Meadow.CLI.Core.Devices.MeadowSerialDevice..ctor(String serialPortName, ILogger logger) in D:\a\1\s\Meadow.CLI.Core\Devices\MeadowSerialDevice.cs:line 21
   at Meadow.CLI.Core.DeviceManagement.MeadowDeviceManager.<>c__DisplayClass4_0.<GetMeadowForSerialPort>b__0() in D:\a\1\s\Meadow.CLI.Core\DeviceManagement\MeadowDeviceManager.cs:line 38
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.InnerInvoke()
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.<>c.<.cctor>b__277_0(Object obj)
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunFromThreadPoolDispatchLoop(Thread threadPoolThread, ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunFromThreadPoolDispatchLoop(Thread threadPoolThread, ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& currentTaskSlot, Thread threadPoolThread)
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
   at Meadow.CLI.Core.DeviceManagement.MeadowDeviceManager.GetMeadowForSerialPort(String serialPort, Boolean verbose, ILogger logger) in D:\a\1\s\Meadow.CLI.Core\DeviceManagement\MeadowDeviceManager.cs:line 47
Connecting to Meadow on COM4
An error occurred while attempting to create Meadow
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file 'COM4'.
File name: 'COM4'
   at System.IO.Ports.SerialStream..ctor(String portName, Int32 baudRate, Parity parity, Int32 dataBits, StopBits stopBits, Int32 readTimeout, Int32 writeTimeout, Handshake handshake, Boolean dtrEnable, Boolean rtsEnable, Boolean discardNull, Byte parityReplace)
   at System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.Open()
   at Meadow.CLI.Core.Devices.MeadowSerialDevice.OpenSerialPort(String portName) in D:\a\1\s\Meadow.CLI.Core\Devices\MeadowSerialDevice.cs:line 127
   at Meadow.CLI.Core.Devices.MeadowSerialDevice..ctor(String serialPortName, ILogger logger) in D:\a\1\s\Meadow.CLI.Core\Devices\MeadowSerialDevice.cs:line 21
   at Meadow.CLI.Core.DeviceManagement.MeadowDeviceManager.<>c__DisplayClass4_0.<GetMeadowForSerialPort>b__0() in D:\a\1\s\Meadow.CLI.Core\DeviceManagement\MeadowDeviceManager.cs:line 38
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.InnerInvoke()
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.<>c.<.cctor>b__277_0(Object obj)
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunFromThreadPoolDispatchLoop(Thread threadPoolThread, ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunFromThreadPoolDispatchLoop(Thread threadPoolThread, ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& currentTaskSlot, Thread threadPoolThread)
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
   at Meadow.CLI.Core.DeviceManagement.MeadowDeviceManager.GetMeadowForSerialPort(String serialPort, Boolean verbose, ILogger logger) in D:\a\1\s\Meadow.CLI.Core\DeviceManagement\MeadowDeviceManager.cs:line 47
Connecting to Meadow on COM3
An error occurred while attempting to create Meadow
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file 'COM3'.
File name: 'COM3'
   at System.IO.Ports.SerialStream..ctor(String portName, Int32 baudRate, Parity parity, Int32 dataBits, StopBits stopBits, Int32 readTimeout, Int32 writeTimeout, Handshake handshake, Boolean dtrEnable, Boolean rtsEnable, Boolean discardNull, Byte parityReplace)
   at System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.Open()
   at Meadow.CLI.Core.Devices.MeadowSerialDevice.OpenSerialPort(String portName) in D:\a\1\s\Meadow.CLI.Core\Devices\MeadowSerialDevice.cs:line 127
   at Meadow.CLI.Core.Devices.MeadowSerialDevice..ctor(String serialPortName, ILogger logger) in D:\a\1\s\Meadow.CLI.Core\Devices\MeadowSerialDevice.cs:line 21
   at Meadow.CLI.Core.DeviceManagement.MeadowDeviceManager.<>c__DisplayClass4_0.<GetMeadowForSerialPort>b__0() in D:\a\1\s\Meadow.CLI.Core\DeviceManagement\MeadowDeviceManager.cs:line 38
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.InnerInvoke()
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.<>c.<.cctor>b__277_0(Object obj)
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunFromThreadPoolDispatchLoop(Thread threadPoolThread, ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunFromThreadPoolDispatchLoop(Thread threadPoolThread, ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& currentTaskSlot, Thread threadPoolThread)
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
   at Meadow.CLI.Core.DeviceManagement.MeadowDeviceManager.GetMeadowForSerialPort(String serialPort, Boolean verbose, ILogger logger) in D:\a\1\s\Meadow.CLI.Core\DeviceManagement\MeadowDeviceManager.cs:line 47
Connecting to Meadow on COM4
Meadow StdInfo: Mono will not start. Version mismatch, Meadow.OS version, Mono version
Meadow StdInfo: ESP32 version not available. Meadow.OS version, Mono version
Meadow StdInfo: Mono is enabled
Meadow StdInfo: Mono has been disabled. Restarting Meadow
Meadow StdInfo: Mono will not start. Version mismatch, Meadow.OS version, Mono version
Meadow StdInfo: ESP32 version not available. Meadow.OS version, Mono version
Meadow StdInfo: Mono is enabled
Meadow StdInfo: Mono has been disabled. Restarting Meadow
Meadow StdInfo: Mono will not start. Version mismatch, Meadow.OS version, Mono version
Meadow StdInfo: ESP32 version not available. Meadow.OS version, Mono version
Meadow StdInfo: Mono is disabled
Meadow StdInfo: Mono is disabled
FileName not specified, using latest download.
Starting File Transfer...
Meadow StdInfo: File 10% downloaded
Meadow StdInfo: File 20% downloaded
Meadow StdInfo: File 30% downloaded
Unhandled exception. System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
   at System.Threading.Monitor.ReliableEnter(Object obj, Boolean& lockTaken)
   at Meadow.CLI.Core.Devices.MeadowSerialDevice.Dispose(Boolean disposing) in D:\a\1\s\Meadow.CLI.Core\Devices\MeadowSerialDevice.cs:line 41
   at Meadow.CLI.Core.Devices.MeadowLocalDevice.Finalize() in D:\a\1\s\Meadow.CLI.Core\Devices\MeadowLocalDevice.cs:line 387

And it appears that when when I deploy the helloworld code out of VS, it actually flashes the app to the board:

Build started...
1>------ Deploy started: Project: MeadowApplication2, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:15 PM] Connecting to Meadow on COM4
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:16 PM] Meadow StdInfo: Mono is enabled
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:16 PM] Meadow StdInfo: Mono has been disabled. Restarting Meadow
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:17 PM] Meadow StdInfo: Mono will not start. Version mismatch, Meadow.OS version, Mono version
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:17 PM] Meadow StdInfo: ESP32 version not available. Meadow.OS version, Mono version
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:18 PM] Meadow StdInfo: Mono is disabled
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:18 PM] Meadow StdInfo: dev/     
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:18 PM] Meadow StdInfo:  little0 [block]
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:18 PM] Meadow StdInfo:  little0p0 [block]
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:18 PM] Meadow StdInfo:  monostderr [char]
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:18 PM] Meadow StdInfo:  monostdout [char]
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:18 PM] Meadow StdInfo:  mtdblock0 [block]
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:18 PM] Meadow StdInfo:  null [char]
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:18 PM] Meadow StdInfo:  nxupd [char]
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:18 PM] Meadow StdInfo:  pwm0 [char]
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:18 PM] Meadow StdInfo:  ramlog [char]
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:18 PM] Meadow StdInfo:  ttyACM0 [char]
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:18 PM] Meadow StdInfo:  ttyS0 [char]
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:18 PM] Meadow StdInfo:  ttyS1 [char]
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:18 PM] Meadow StdInfo:  ttyS2 [char]
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:18 PM] Meadow StdInfo:  upd [char]
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:18 PM] Meadow StdInfo:  urandom [char]
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:18 PM] Meadow StdInfo:  usrsock [char]
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:18 PM] Meadow StdInfo: meadow0/ 
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:18 PM] Meadow StdInfo:  ./      
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:18 PM] Meadow StdInfo:  ../     
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:18 PM] Meadow StdInfo:  Meadow.OS.Runtime.bin [file]
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:18 PM] Meadow StdInfo: var/     
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:18 PM] Meadow StdInfo:  mqueue/ 
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:18 PM] Meadow StdInfo:   Esp32Events [char]
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:18 PM] Meadow StdInfo:   Esp32Requests [char]
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:18 PM] Found Meadow.OS.Runtime.bin (CRC: 0)
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:18 PM] Meadow StdInfo: Meadow successfully deleted 'Meadow.OS.Runtime.bin'
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:18 PM] Removing file: Meadow.OS.Runtime.bin
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:18 PM] Writing file: App.deps.json
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:19 PM] Starting File Transfer...
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:19 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 10% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:19 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 20% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:19 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 30% downloaded...
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:19 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 90% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:19 PM] Meadow StdInfo: Download of 'App.deps.json' success (checksums calc:0xB2FFF8A3, expected:0xB2FFF8A3)
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:19 PM] Transfer Complete, wrote 43477 bytes to Meadow
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:19 PM] Wrote file: App.deps.json
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:19 PM] Writing file: App.exe    
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:20 PM] Starting File Transfer...
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:20 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 16% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:20 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 25% downloaded...
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:20 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 91% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:20 PM] Meadow StdInfo: Download of 'App.exe' success (checksums calc:0xA5852D2F, expected:0xA5852D2F)
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:20 PM] Transfer Complete, wrote 6144 bytes to Meadow
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:20 PM] Wrote file: App.exe      
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:20 PM] Writing file: App.pdb    
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:20 PM] Starting File Transfer...
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:20 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 12% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:20 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 22% downloaded...
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:20 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 90% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:20 PM] Meadow StdInfo: Download of 'App.pdb' success (checksums calc:0x8F79898E, expected:0x8F79898E)
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:20 PM] Transfer Complete, wrote 15892 bytes to Meadow
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:20 PM] Wrote file: App.pdb      
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:20 PM] Writing file: netstandard.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:21 PM] Starting File Transfer...
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:21 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 10% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:21 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 20% downloaded...
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:22 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 90% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:22 PM] Meadow StdInfo: Download of 'netstandard.dll' success (checksums calc:0x75D657A9, expected:0x75D657A9)
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:22 PM] Transfer Complete, wrote 90624 bytes to Meadow
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:22 PM] Wrote file: netstandard.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:22 PM] Writing file: mscorlib.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:22 PM] Starting File Transfer...
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:28 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 10% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:43:34 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 20% downloaded...
1>[7/8/2021 7:44:15 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 90% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:44:22 PM] Meadow StdInfo: Download of 'mscorlib.dll' success (checksums calc:0x2B69516C, expected:0x2B69516C)
1>[7/8/2021 7:44:22 PM] Transfer Complete, wrote 4637696 bytes to Meadow
1>[7/8/2021 7:44:22 PM] Wrote file: mscorlib.dll 
1>[7/8/2021 7:44:22 PM] Writing file: System.Core.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:44:22 PM] Starting File Transfer...
1>[7/8/2021 7:44:23 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 10% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:44:25 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 20% downloaded...
1>[7/8/2021 7:44:34 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 90% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:44:36 PM] Meadow StdInfo: Download of 'System.Core.dll' success (checksums calc:0xDB18D7DA, expected:0xDB18D7DA)
1>[7/8/2021 7:44:36 PM] Transfer Complete, wrote 1086976 bytes to Meadow
1>[7/8/2021 7:44:36 PM] Wrote file: System.Core.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:44:36 PM] Writing file: System.dll 
1>[7/8/2021 7:44:36 PM] Starting File Transfer...
1>[7/8/2021 7:44:40 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 10% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:44:43 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 20% downloaded...
1>[7/8/2021 7:45:06 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 90% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:45:10 PM] Meadow StdInfo: Download of 'System.dll' success (checksums calc:0xB0B3E6EA, expected:0xB0B3E6EA)
1>[7/8/2021 7:45:10 PM] Transfer Complete, wrote 2618368 bytes to Meadow
1>[7/8/2021 7:45:10 PM] Wrote file: System.dll   
1>[7/8/2021 7:45:10 PM] Writing file: Mono.Security.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:45:10 PM] Starting File Transfer...
1>[7/8/2021 7:45:11 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 10% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:45:11 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 20% downloaded...
1>[7/8/2021 7:45:13 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 90% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:45:14 PM] Meadow StdInfo: Download of 'Mono.Security.dll' success (checksums calc:0xC57A9CAF, expected:0xC57A9CAF)
1>[7/8/2021 7:45:14 PM] Transfer Complete, wrote 240128 bytes to Meadow
1>[7/8/2021 7:45:14 PM] Wrote file: Mono.Security.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:45:14 PM] Writing file: System.Configuration.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:45:14 PM] Starting File Transfer...
1>[7/8/2021 7:45:14 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 10% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:45:14 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 20% downloaded...
1>[7/8/2021 7:45:15 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 90% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:45:15 PM] Meadow StdInfo: Download of 'System.Configuration.dll' success (checksums calc:0xE52E0D50, expected:0xE52E0D50)
1>[7/8/2021 7:45:15 PM] Transfer Complete, wrote 122880 bytes to Meadow
1>[7/8/2021 7:45:15 PM] Wrote file: System.Configuration.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:45:15 PM] Writing file: System.Xml.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:45:16 PM] Starting File Transfer...
1>[7/8/2021 7:45:20 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 10% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:45:24 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 20% downloaded...
1>[7/8/2021 7:45:52 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 90% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:45:57 PM] Meadow StdInfo: Download of 'System.Xml.dll' success (checksums calc:0x4B7959F2, expected:0x4B7959F2)
1>[7/8/2021 7:45:57 PM] Transfer Complete, wrote 3174400 bytes to Meadow
1>[7/8/2021 7:45:57 PM] Wrote file: System.Xml.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:45:57 PM] Writing file: System.Security.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:45:57 PM] Starting File Transfer...
1>[7/8/2021 7:45:57 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 10% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:45:58 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 20% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:45:58 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 30% downloaded...
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:01 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 90% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:01 PM] Meadow StdInfo: Download of 'System.Security.dll' success (checksums calc:0xAE1BC1DE, expected:0xAE1BC1DE)
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:01 PM] Transfer Complete, wrote 308224 bytes to Meadow
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:01 PM] Wrote file: System.Security.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:01 PM] Writing file: System.Numerics.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:01 PM] Starting File Transfer...
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:02 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 10% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:02 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 20% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:02 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 30% downloaded...
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:03 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 90% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:03 PM] Meadow StdInfo: Download of 'System.Numerics.dll' success (checksums calc:0xD25B5CDB, expected:0xD25B5CDB)
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:03 PM] Transfer Complete, wrote 119808 bytes to Meadow
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:03 PM] Wrote file: System.Numerics.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:03 PM] Writing file: System.Data.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:03 PM] Starting File Transfer...
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:06 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 10% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:09 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 20% downloaded...
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:27 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 90% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:30 PM] Meadow StdInfo: Download of 'System.Data.dll' success (checksums calc:0x0A5B3DB4, expected:0x0A5B3DB4)
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:30 PM] Transfer Complete, wrote 2102784 bytes to Meadow
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:30 PM] Wrote file: System.Data.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:30 PM] Writing file: System.Transactions.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:31 PM] Starting File Transfer...
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:31 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 10% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:31 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 20% downloaded...
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:31 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 91% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:31 PM] Meadow StdInfo: Download of 'System.Transactions.dll' success (checksums calc:0x54609305, expected:0x54609305)
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:31 PM] Transfer Complete, wrote 34304 bytes to Meadow
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:31 PM] Wrote file: System.Transactions.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:31 PM] Writing file: System.EnterpriseServices.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:31 PM] Starting File Transfer...
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:32 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 10% downloaded...
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:32 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 90% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:32 PM] Meadow StdInfo: Download of 'System.EnterpriseServices.dll' success (checksums calc:0x7E64B212, expected:0x7E64B212)
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:32 PM] Transfer Complete, wrote 46592 bytes to Meadow
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:32 PM] Wrote file: System.EnterpriseServices.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:32 PM] Writing file: System.Data.DataSetExtensions.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:32 PM] Starting File Transfer...
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:32 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 10% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:32 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 20% downloaded...
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:33 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 81% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:33 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 91% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:33 PM] Meadow StdInfo: Download of 'System.Data.DataSetExtensions.dll' success (checksums calc:0xEE4DF24F, expected:0xEE4DF24F)
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:33 PM] Transfer Complete, wrote 29696 bytes to Meadow
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:33 PM] Wrote file: System.Data.DataSetExtensions.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:33 PM] Writing file: System.Drawing.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:33 PM] Starting File Transfer...
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:34 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 10% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:34 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 20% downloaded...
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:38 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 90% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:39 PM] Meadow StdInfo: Download of 'System.Drawing.dll' success (checksums calc:0xB87DF7BB, expected:0xB87DF7BB)
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:39 PM] Transfer Complete, wrote 491008 bytes to Meadow
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:39 PM] Wrote file: System.Drawing.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:39 PM] Writing file: System.IO.Compression.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:39 PM] Starting File Transfer...
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:39 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 10% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:40 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 20% downloaded...
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:40 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 90% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:41 PM] Meadow StdInfo: Download of 'System.IO.Compression.dll' success (checksums calc:0x912FFB05, expected:0x912FFB05)
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:41 PM] Transfer Complete, wrote 115200 bytes to Meadow
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:41 PM] Wrote file: System.IO.Compression.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:41 PM] Writing file: System.IO.Compression.FileSystem.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:41 PM] Starting File Transfer...
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:41 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 11% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:41 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 22% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:41 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 30% downloaded...
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:41 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 91% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:41 PM] Meadow StdInfo: Download of 'System.IO.Compression.FileSystem.dll' success (checksums calc:0x8D72531E, expected:0x8D72531E)
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:41 PM] Transfer Complete, wrote 18432 bytes to Meadow
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:41 PM] Wrote file: System.IO.Compression.FileSystem.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:41 PM] Writing file: System.ComponentModel.Composition.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:42 PM] Starting File Transfer...
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:42 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 10% downloaded...
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:44 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 80% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:44 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 90% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:45 PM] Meadow StdInfo: Download of 'System.ComponentModel.Composition.dll' success (checksums calc:0x93F75C58, expected:0x93F75C58)
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:45 PM] Transfer Complete, wrote 258560 bytes to Meadow
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:45 PM] Wrote file: System.ComponentModel.Composition.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:45 PM] Writing file: System.Net.Http.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:45 PM] Starting File Transfer...
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:45 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 10% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:46 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 20% downloaded...
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:48 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 80% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:48 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 90% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:48 PM] Meadow StdInfo: Download of 'System.Net.Http.dll' success (checksums calc:0x360FE095, expected:0x360FE095)
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:48 PM] Transfer Complete, wrote 281600 bytes to Meadow
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:48 PM] Wrote file: System.Net.Http.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:48 PM] Writing file: System.Runtime.Serialization.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:49 PM] Starting File Transfer...
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:50 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 10% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:51 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 20% downloaded...
1>[7/8/2021 7:46:59 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 90% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:00 PM] Meadow StdInfo: Download of 'System.Runtime.Serialization.dll' success (checksums calc:0xE5344E7D, expected:0xE5344E7D)
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:00 PM] Transfer Complete, wrote 938496 bytes to Meadow
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:00 PM] Wrote file: System.Runtime.Serialization.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:00 PM] Writing file: System.ServiceModel.Internals.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:00 PM] Starting File Transfer...
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:00 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 10% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:01 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 20% downloaded...
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:02 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 80% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:02 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 90% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:03 PM] Meadow StdInfo: Download of 'System.ServiceModel.Internals.dll' success (checksums calc:0x395B0509, expected:0x395B0509)
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:03 PM] Transfer Complete, wrote 215040 bytes to Meadow
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:03 PM] Wrote file: System.ServiceModel.Internals.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:03 PM] Writing file: System.Web.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:03 PM] Starting File Transfer...
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:07 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 10% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:10 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 20% downloaded...
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:31 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 80% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:35 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 90% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:39 PM] Meadow StdInfo: Download of 'System.Web.dll' success (checksums calc:0x38D7F3EE, expected:0x38D7F3EE)
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:39 PM] Transfer Complete, wrote 3028992 bytes to Meadow
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:39 PM] Wrote file: System.Web.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:39 PM] Writing file: System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:40 PM] Starting File Transfer...
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:40 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 10% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:40 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 21% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:40 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 30% downloaded...
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:40 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 90% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:40 PM] Meadow StdInfo: Download of 'System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.dll' success (checksums calc:0x57BB7836, expected:0x57BB7836)
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:40 PM] Transfer Complete, wrote 38912 bytes to Meadow
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:40 PM] Wrote file: System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:40 PM] Writing file: System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:40 PM] Starting File Transfer...
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:41 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 10% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:41 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 20% downloaded...
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:41 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 90% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:41 PM] Meadow StdInfo: Download of 'System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.dll' success (checksums calc:0x37946C60, expected:0x37946C60)
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:41 PM] Transfer Complete, wrote 84992 bytes to Meadow
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:41 PM] Wrote file: System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:41 PM] Writing file: Mono.Data.Sqlite.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:42 PM] Starting File Transfer...
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:42 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 10% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:42 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 20% downloaded...
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:43 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 90% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:44 PM] Meadow StdInfo: Download of 'Mono.Data.Sqlite.dll' success (checksums calc:0xC542A426, expected:0xC542A426)
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:44 PM] Transfer Complete, wrote 166912 bytes to Meadow
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:44 PM] Wrote file: Mono.Data.Sqlite.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:44 PM] Writing file: System.Xml.Linq.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:44 PM] Starting File Transfer...
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:44 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 10% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:44 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 20% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:45 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 30% downloaded...
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:45 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 90% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:46 PM] Meadow StdInfo: Download of 'System.Xml.Linq.dll' success (checksums calc:0x303AA1E6, expected:0x303AA1E6)
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:46 PM] Transfer Complete, wrote 137728 bytes to Meadow
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:46 PM] Wrote file: System.Xml.Linq.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:46 PM] Writing file: Meadow.dll 
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:46 PM] Starting File Transfer...
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:46 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 10% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:46 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 20% downloaded...
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:47 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 90% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:48 PM] Meadow StdInfo: Download of 'Meadow.dll' success (checksums calc:0x1F442AA0, expected:0x1F442AA0)
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:48 PM] Transfer Complete, wrote 119296 bytes to Meadow
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:48 PM] Wrote file: Meadow.dll   
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:48 PM] Writing file: Meadow.Contracts.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:48 PM] Starting File Transfer...
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:48 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 10% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:48 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 20% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:48 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 30% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:48 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 40% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:48 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 50% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:48 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 60% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:48 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 70% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:48 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 80% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:49 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 90% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:49 PM] Meadow StdInfo: Download of 'Meadow.Contracts.dll' success (checksums calc:0x4E3F3D93, expected:0x4E3F3D93)
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:49 PM] Transfer Complete, wrote 65536 bytes to Meadow
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:49 PM] Wrote file: Meadow.Contracts.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:49 PM] Writing file: Meadow.Units.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:49 PM] Starting File Transfer...
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:49 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 10% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:49 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 20% downloaded...
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:50 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 90% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:50 PM] Meadow StdInfo: Download of 'Meadow.Units.dll' success (checksums calc:0xFE4A53D5, expected:0xFE4A53D5)
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:50 PM] Transfer Complete, wrote 78848 bytes to Meadow
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:50 PM] Wrote file: Meadow.Units.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:50 PM] Writing file: Meadow.F7.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:50 PM] Starting File Transfer...
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:50 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 10% downloaded...
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:52 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 90% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:52 PM] Meadow StdInfo: Download of 'Meadow.F7.dll' success (checksums calc:0x79A31D4B, expected:0x79A31D4B)
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:52 PM] Transfer Complete, wrote 131072 bytes to Meadow
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:52 PM] Wrote file: Meadow.F7.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:52 PM] Writing file: Meadow.Foundation.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:52 PM] Starting File Transfer...
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:52 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 10% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:53 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 20% downloaded...
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:53 PM] Meadow StdInfo: File 90% downloaded
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:53 PM] Meadow StdInfo: Download of 'Meadow.Foundation.dll' success (checksums calc:0x7607F219, expected:0x7607F219)
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:53 PM] Transfer Complete, wrote 100864 bytes to Meadow
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:53 PM] Wrote file: Meadow.Foundation.dll
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:53 PM] App.dll deploy complete  
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:53 PM] Meadow StdInfo: Mono is disabled
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:53 PM] Meadow StdInfo: Mono has been enabled. Restarting F7 Micro
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:56 PM] Meadow StdInfo: Mono will not start. Version mismatch, Meadow.OS version, Mono version
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:56 PM] Meadow StdInfo: ESP32 version not available. Meadow.OS version, Mono version
1>[7/8/2021 7:47:57 PM] Meadow StdInfo: Mono is enabled
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 0 failed, 1 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
========== Deploy: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========

But… the app on the Meadow doesn’t appear to be working.