Calling Azure IOT HUB 'direct methods' using AMQP Lite

I am trying to get Azure IOT HUB ‘calling direct methods’ to work on Netduino.

I think I need to use AMQP for this since the C# iot SDK (Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client.Http.NetMF_43) only support simple D2C and C2D events.

When doing a simple AMQP C2D receive using the following code, all works fine
static private void ReceiveCommands()
string entity = Fx.Format("/devices/{0}/messages/deviceBound", DEVICE_ID);

ReceiverLink receiveLink = new ReceiverLink(session, "receive-link", entity);

Message received = receiveLink.Receive();
while (received != null)
	if (received != null)
	received = receiveLink.Receive();



But, when replacing the receive link to amqps://{hostname}:5671/devices/{deviceId}/methods/deviceBound as per instructions in

static private void ReceiveCommands()

string entity = Fx.Format("/devices/{0}/methods/deviceBound", DEVICE_ID); // This is the change!!!!

ReceiverLink receiveLink = new ReceiverLink(session, "receive-link", entity);

Message received = receiveLink.Receive();
while (received != null)
	if (received != null)
	received = receiveLink.Receive();



I get the following error message when executing ‘receiveLink.Receive()’

The link address ‘amqps://’ did not match any of the expected formats.

For some reason the IOT HUB I’ve created also only shows two endpoint
Could this be the problem? In that case, how does one add more endpoints, especially one that handles ‘methods’?

Also, can anybody please help me with some sample code where AMQP is used to receive direct methods on the device?

It shall be much appreciated.

Lets keep it simple…
I’ve been able to get Azure IOT Hub direct method calls working using a Raspberry Pi and Windows IOT Core. It was relatively easy.
However, I’d rather use the Netduino 3 Wifi to do the same.
Can anybody please give me an example of how to receive direct method calls on Netduino?
Lets say I send the Netduino a direct method call using Microsoft’s Device Explorer application. What is needed on the Netduino to receive (and to respond to) that call?
Any technique will do. Your help shall be much appreciated.
Thanks and regards.