Pinging until I get an API response

Hello User,

I am trying to make a system that has a interface where you can interact with my Meadow. I had the idea to create an Api call (on the meadow ) whenever you press a button. So for instance, when I click on a button called “Start”, my Meadow recieves a Json object from an Api call.

So I started thinking and I thought “In order for my Meadow to know if someone clicked the button, it needs to be searching for a Api response” So if it get’s a response of a json object, than store the object in a variable. If not, keep on searching. So I created a while loop that keeps on searching till it has success. Something like this:

public MeadowApp()
            var service = new Service();

            while (true)
                using (var result = service.GetData())
                    if (result.Result.ClientIp == "123") // I am using client ip for example
                        Console.WriteLine("Json found!");
                    Console.WriteLine("Nothing found yet...");

But after a while, maybe 2/3 minuts, I get one of these errors:


Could not allocate 8192 bytes

So the infinite loop idea wasn’t a really good think I guess. The Meadow memory couldn’t keep up even though I dispose the result.

But I had a plan B, using a Maple server. The Maple server is pinging every 2 seconds and that’s something I need. So when I click the “Start” button, the maple server starts and when I get a Json result, the Maple server stops. I started creating this code and again I came up with the exact same error or this error:

You probably have a broken mono install. if you see other errors or faults after this message they are probably related and you need to fix your mono install first.

This is the code I have:

public MeadowApp()
            Console.WriteLine("Starting initialization...");
            Console.WriteLine("Initialization Completed");

            if (server.Running)

        async Task Initialize()
            onboardLed = new RgbPwmLed(device: Device,
                redPwmPin: Device.Pins.OnboardLedRed,
                greenPwmPin: Device.Pins.OnboardLedGreen,
                bluePwmPin: Device.Pins.OnboardLedBlue,
                3.3f, 3.3f, 3.3f,

            // initialize the wifi adpater
            if (!Device.InitWiFiAdapter().Result)
                throw new Exception("Error: Kan de WiFi adapter niet vinden.");

            // connnect to the wifi network.
            Console.WriteLine($"Connecting to Wifi...");
            var connectionResult = await Device.WiFiAdapter.Connect(Secrets.WIFI_NAME, Secrets.WIFI_PASSWORD);
            if (connectionResult.ConnectionStatus != ConnectionStatus.Success)
                throw new Exception($"Error: Kan niet connecten met het WiFi netwerk: {connectionResult.ConnectionStatus}");

            // create our maple web server
            Console.WriteLine("Starting Maple server...");
                server = new Meadow.Foundation.Web.Maple.Server.MapleServer(
                    advertise: true,
                    processMode: RequestProcessMode.Parallel
            catch (OutOfMemoryException e)
                Console.WriteLine("Terminating application unexpectedly...");
                Environment.FailFast(String.Format("Out of Memory: {0}",

And DataRequestHandler:

public async void Hello()
            var serverUri = "";
            var body = @"";

            using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
                client.Timeout = new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0);

                var request = new HttpRequestMessage
                    Method = HttpMethod.Get,
                    RequestUri = new Uri(serverUri),
                    Content = new StringContent(body, Encoding.UTF8, RestSharp.Serialization.ContentType.Json),

                Console.WriteLine("Adding headers");
                /*client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization =
                    new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", Token.access_token);*/

                    .Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json")); // Accept header

                Console.WriteLine("Waiting for response..."); // The code stops here
                HttpResponseMessage response = await client.SendAsync(request).ConfigureAwait(true);
                Console.WriteLine(response.ReasonPhrase + " = ReasonPhrase");

                string json = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
                obj = JObject.Parse(json);

            this.Context.Response.ContentType = ContentTypes.Application_Json;
            this.Context.Response.StatusCode = 200;


Console.WriteLine(“Waiting for response…”); // The code stops here

I don’t get any response anymore…

Sorry for the long post and hopefully someone understands what I am saying, I have a sample project that I can upload to Github. If their is any explaination needed, let me know!